Yesterday as the great migration home was ongoing at the front doors of South Tampa Fellowship Church, I chanced to hear one young man ask his mother how many pennies would ten dollars be? She correctly answered 1000. There is a girls vs. boys penny offering going on and this little fellow was representing our gender very well!
Here he is today with 1000 pennies in their beautiful little rolls. Great to have you on the boys team little brother!
Boys 11,352 Girls 18,410
Today was also the very important day when Pastor Todd Roberts spoke with the children about the Gospel.
Those who responded and had questions were able to ask the pastors after the assembly. The little girl on the far left is asking how we can hear from Jesus when we cannot see Him? Do you know how to answer such a great question? John 16:5-15 Hebrews 4:12
Our fifth grade VBS attenders got to wash cars with cool water under the hot sun as an act of service. Keep up the good works!
There was a lot of sudsy water flying and no one stayed dry.
I did not spend much time in the art department today as I was outside recording class photos but before I left the building I looked at the days painting and was intrigued by the variety! Kim Falconer had done an expert job of guiding the little people in the painting of a portrait depicting the expression of fear. The backgrounds are especially interesting.
Now that is a lot of little people!
On to day 4 and then the saddest day of all Day 5.