Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Scott Harrison Photographer

I found a link on Jenni V's blog and it lead to some wonderful photography!

scott harrison
Location:west africa, Benin

I am serving a year as a volunteer photo-journalist onboard the Mercy Ship Anastasis in West Africa. Mercy Ships is the world's largest non-governmental organization of hospital ships, the Anastasis currently the largest operating in the fleet. Since 1978, following the 2000 year model of Jesus, the organization brings hope and healing to Africa's poor, serving 1 million people a year. The blind see through cataract and other eye operations. The lame walk through orthopedic operations. The mute speak through cleft lip and palate operations. The disfigured are given their faces back through maxillofacial operations. The Anastasis is also engaged in AIDS education, community development projects, water sanitation, dental clinics and outreach, maternity health clinics, and well building.... Like the rest of the 350 plus crewmembers on board, to defray costs, I pay crew fees so serve. Anyone wishing to support me or donate to Mercy Ships directly please contact me at There are a so many ways to get involved, sponsoring surgeries, fresh water wells, transportation, prosthetics wheelchairs, etc. Adopt-a-Patient, etc. Contact me if you wish to contribute!

scott's blog
scott's images
scott's mercy ship site