Saturday, March 12, 2005

All Stars Back in Action!
The air is clean and clear under sunny blue skies as once again our enthusiastic group gathers for fun and games. What do we all have in common? We are the children of God. Pastor J.J. set the tone for this season's flag football & cheer leading. We are all anticipating great things having recently had a wonderful soccer season!
The coaches gather for instruction.
Get The Rules Here!
Shea leads the masses in some stretching and warm up exercises. This can be moan and groan time but Shea knows how to make it fun.

Flag Football!
As with any sport we play at the All Stars gatherings the emphasis is on character and community. Both the parents and coaches strive to foster confidence and good sportsmanship in every little person regardless of their skill level. We want each child to know we are crazy about them right now just the way God made them.
Click to hear audio!
Tyler guides his team in some cleverly devised drills which he quite likely pulled out of thin air moments before. Everyone knows that we are here to learn and do our best but is Christ likeness we strive for and not our own glory.
Concentrate grasshopper. Do not let the air filled animal skin slip through your grasp. Use your pinky finger to guide the ball safe into your arms!

Cheer Leading!
Maybe someone can comment on cheer leading. Mr. Billy has very little to say about the subject. In fact Mr. Billy understands cheer leading about as well as he understands the female of the species. That is all.
Click to hear audio!
If you were here and have a good caption E-Mail me.
If you were here and have a good caption E-Mail me.
It is a beautiful thing to see what a little encouragement does to lift a child up and mold them into a successful adult!
If you were here and have a good caption E-Mail me.

Family Fellowship!
The greatest joy is found in the quiet easy time these families enjoy together. So many sincere families who seek to glorify God in their daily lives in the same location inspiring each other and renewing their strength.
Sublime Time!
There are so many opportunities to get lost in what really matters.
Football, lollypop, juice box, and lovie bear, what else does a man need?