These spiders I find amazing. I spent an hour photographing this little fellow. The jumping spider is the only small insect like creature that I have encountered that actually looks you in the eye seemingly studying what you are and what you are up to. Thy are highly manuverable and each movement is precise and lighting fast. This one would dash to the edge of whatever object it found itself on and in one smooth operation affix a web to the edge while leaping into space ending in a quick decent to the ground or an adjacent surface. This one reminded me of a gorilla with it's large hairy forelegs.
3/8-5/8" (8-15 mm). Black with a short gray or white crossband on abdomen and several gray or white spots. Pale markings, often yellow or orange in spiderlings. Chelicerae metallic green.
Food Insects.
Life Cycle
Male courts female, backing or jumping away if female approaches too rapidly. Female produces egg sac while in silken retreat, then attends it until spiderlings disperse.
Woods and gardens on tree trunks and fallen limbs, and in ground litter.
Atlantic Coast to Rocky Mountains in the United States and southern Canada. In recent years has expanded westward; now reported in Washington and California.
Discussion This common species enters houses, hunting on windowsills and sashes.
3/8-5/8" (8-15 mm). Black with a short gray or white crossband on abdomen and several gray or white spots. Pale markings, often yellow or orange in spiderlings. Chelicerae metallic green.
Food Insects.
Life Cycle
Male courts female, backing or jumping away if female approaches too rapidly. Female produces egg sac while in silken retreat, then attends it until spiderlings disperse.
Woods and gardens on tree trunks and fallen limbs, and in ground litter.
Atlantic Coast to Rocky Mountains in the United States and southern Canada. In recent years has expanded westward; now reported in Washington and California.
Discussion This common species enters houses, hunting on windowsills and sashes.