Wednesday, January 13, 2010


We have a cat. I have been keeping this from all of you for about a month now but I am fessing up this very evening. She is a runt the neighbor girl found in the woods and she is undocumented. We call her Felina and she is coming alone quite nicely.

She was very skittish to begin with but is now master of the interior of the entire house. She pretty much adores mom and is closer than her shadow. We enjoy her company and she is neat little gift from God. 

Always keep in mind animals are not people. They are not our relatives via evolution either. They are an entirely separate creation. God has given us a responsibility to be good stewards of His creation but we must never put animals in a higher place than they belong. We are commanded and created to have dominion over all of creation and to never allow creation to have dominion over us. God says all the He has made is good and we are to treat it as good without projecting attributes on creatures which they do not posses. Allow animals to enrich your life but never put an animal before even the most unrepentant sinner.