Monday, August 21, 2006

More Shenanigans


  1. Billy- I think that is not legal----although very fun....

  2. What are trying to do kill yourself! Would have been really funny if he would have caught the coast guard pulling up! Billy! Billy! What will you post next!

  3. Just trying to give homeland security a helping hand, nothing wholesome and adventurous is legal anymore the only activities that are lawful are the degenerate ones that bring in the tax revenue.

  4. P.S. thank you for your concern. You ladies are of course wonderful!

  5. Personally, it reminds me of those MTV Jack@$$ shows. (not that I've ever watched them. ;-)

  6. Most of us just live vicariously thru you, Billy. Lots of childhood joy! Thanks, man. I love you!

  7. Please no. I have been having this kind of fun long before MTV came to be. Diving from heights is a proud tradition everywhere their are place to leap from and for as long as people have been.

    You all need to take a leap now and then. You should also climb a tree once in a while.


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