Thursday, January 12, 2006

Birthday Conundrum

A child newly born into the world had absolutely no choice in the matter. Ask anyone if they remember the day of their birth and you know what they will say. The mother on the other hand knew all to well what was to come. Being a man I am truly amazed that a woman is willing to experience the horror of child birth to begin with.

Why is the child the recipient of all the smiles, pats on the back, spontaneous outbursts of song and gifts? Who did all the work? Who made all the sacrifices? Who allow their very own body to be host to the largest know parasite on the planet? If you answered the woman who will now forever be know as mother you are darn right and what does she get on the birthday? A killer to do list. Crazy!


  1. I was on bedrest from November til February, flat on my back, giving myself 3 insulin shots every day, to grow the monkeys.

    But it was all totally worth it! My mind has blocked alot of the bad parts out. My mom says that's God's way of making sure people have more than one kid. If they remembered the pain and agony, they wouldn't have anymore.

  2. You women are definitely a different creation all together. God knowed what he were doin when he cooked the female of the species up.

  3. Billy, you are awesome. I swear, if I wasn't already happily married, I think I'd have to move to the west coast to snag you!

    Thanks for this post!!!

  4. hehe... Melissa, I'm sure there are quite a few women who wish they could "snag" Billy ;^D

  5. Sooo? How was camping? Saw your vehicle tonight but didn't get to see you to ask...
    You were missed on Friday!

  6. Oh wow camping was great! I will post a bunch of photos shortly for sure! I did not like missing Friday for the very reasons you mentioned in your post on the 13th.

    Yeah camping was just great!


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