Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Everyday you and I see and hear things that change us. You cannot remain the same you are always becoming. While the body continues to age and become more infirm the spirit has the capacity to be transformed and renewed eternally!

You cannot become anything more than who you choose to believe you are and that all starts with where you believe you have come from! What happens in a human’s life when he or she believes that they are a random product of nature? What happens when a person chooses to live a life where there is no truth and everyone is there own law.
2 Timothy 3

What happens in a human’s life when he or she put their trust in a loving God who has given us all the answers to life’s questions in His written word? What happens when a person understands the nature of good and evil and has experienced the grace and forgiveness of a Holy God? How will a person live when he or she believes that we are accountable for our actions and that there is a truth that never changes?
Psalm 33

Are you becoming a highly evolved ape with all the future that an accidental life of an organism holds, or are you becoming a beloved child of God our loving creator who is destined to live with Him for eternity?


  1. Happy birthday Billy!!!
    It has been a pleasure and a blessing working with and getting to know you a bit over the past year!

    Many happy returns... and all that jazz ;)

  2. Thank you very much. You seem to be beloved by all who know you and the little people are no exception. I am grateful to God that he has worked enough in me lo these many years to qualify my as a blessing. He can do amazing things with so very little! I have certainly enjoyed working among the little people with you as well.
    Proverbs 8:33 ? Proverbs 22:1 ? Psalm 5:11-13


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