Monday, January 3, 2005

Phising Phor Aquarium Critters.

On the hunt for whatever lies beneath. Dipping the net into the water the best way to produce a good haul is achieved by scrapping along the bottom in areas where sea grass is the thickest.

The excitement builds as you return to the buckets to sift through the contents of the net. You just never know what you will discover.

On today’s foray we catch hundreds of transparent grass shrimp, a few feather blennies, and various species of crustaceans.

This little crab was tenacious and was pinching everything in sight. We noticed four fluorescent pink dots two on each claw leg at the joints. One of those mysterious but certainly functional touches God so often includes in His creations.

A truly great way to spend an afternoon with friends thank you Phillips phamily for the Phun.