Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Peavyhouse Cracker Farm and Stables!

Peaveyhouse Farm

Enjoyed a little tour of a farm owned by some gracious folks form church today! Russ Peavyhouse is the owner and has a nice operation in Plant City. There is a stable, paddock and even a harness horse track. One of the horses he bred “ Cracker Coffee”


recently achieved quite a feat.

Peavyhouse Cracker Farm

He took us for a hay ride in the pasture where we were quickly surrounded by cattle.

Peavyhouse Cracker Farm

Peavyhouse Cracker Farm

It is a strange feeling to be surrounded by a herd of rather large beasts who are so docile.

Peaveyhouse Farm

This big bull was like a puppy.

Peaveyhouse Farm