Once again as in the past decade South Tampa Fellowship’s vacation Bible School has come to an end. All the bright little people are safely tucked in their beds where ever their families reside. This year we had a record number and it was a real blessing!
For me who has little responsibility VBS at our church has always been an opportunity be a part of other’s responsibility to grow up kids in Godly love. Most of the hard working volunteers are quite happy to see their work for the week done. They have a life long commitment to their own little people and what a testament it is to their faithfulness that they obediently take on this extra work load for the week of VBS.
There is no one right way to do VBS. You can buy it in a can or stir it up from scratch it just has to have the Word of God as it’s foundation.
We had a good old BBQ dinner like one big happy family!
We all settled in for the show!
The kids had a great time hamming it up in the relaxed light heart atmosphere!