Friday, December 31, 2004

On The Water

Went canoeing today and had good fun. Left the house at about 10:00 am with the Hullabaloo in tow and walked the 15 or so blocks to the house of the three little men. It makes for a good workout and this is a good thing. I arrive and am greeted at the door by J who is unfailingly the most enthusiastic of the three little men when it come to these little adventures. Fifteen minutes of rest and a cold glass of water and we are on our way to the bay.

The canoe makes a great wagon with the wheeled caddy made using casters purchased on ebay. The crew can ride in style all the way to the back water we use as a launching place. It is low tide today and after slogging the canoe through mud we are finally off drifting quietly over the calm water.

We walk in the shallows towing the canoe almost as much as we paddle. It is a nice day with slightly overcast skies. The water is simply frigid and it takes several minutes for our legs to stop stinging as we wander the grass flats with no particular schedule or purpose. We are headed for mullet lagoon and Gilligan's island and whatever adventures lie between.

Z, J, and M are all in good spirits and the only complaints occur when I stand up in the boat. M does not like this one bit and his protests are clever and amusing enough to cause the rest of us to stand up now and then to see how he will react next.

All was smooth and we returned home healthy and happy. During the four hours we spent walking paddling and swimming we had much interesting conversation. Find folks you enjoy and travel together with them in a common direction and you will always be rewarded. You do not have to be accomplishing anything more than being together and it would seem the more frivolous the activity the wealthier the experience.

You only know someone as well as the time you spend with them.

1 comment:

  1. I know who they are because you stopped by our house on your way out but why did you blur their faces??


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