Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Standing Up, Being Counted!

I am always reluctant to stand up and make my values known. I figure who cares what I stand for. I have always quietly cast my vote and gone back to my unobtrusive daily pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. This year there is more at stake than ever so I have become a little more visible in my efforts to influence those around me.

Campaign 2012

I am genuinely excited about what is taking place this year in our Representative Republic. Our nations parties have never been more at odds and as a result the truth is getting out!

Campaign 2012

I recently went to the local Romney Ryan headquarters (813.421.5105) and picked up some yard signs and bumper stickers.

Campaign 2012

I put the signs in my yard and the next night I awoke to the sound of a white truck leaving the street and turning into the yard to run over both of the signs I placed. I had them back up in minutes. I tell you it has really strengthen my resolve to continue to stand up and be counted.

Campaign 2012

Anyone is welcome to drop by their local headquarters and  get signs and stickers to help build the growing enthusiasm for our party. I would encourage you to stand up and put yourself in the fray. You will be enriched for it no matter the outcome of this next election. God bless America land that I love!