Thursday, March 17, 2011

Haws V115 Watering Can

Haws V115 Watering can

I recently purchased this long reach watering can and the balance and functionality are very good. I have no experience with other watering cans for comparison but this model will serve my purposes very well. It was a bit expensive but I think it will have a long and successful carrier watering my garden plants.

Haws V115 Watering can

The shower or rose attachment produces a very gentle soaking shower that will not crush smaller sprouts.

Haws V115 Watering can

The markings on the side aid in filling it to the desired level. 1 liter up to 5 liters (1.3 gal.)

Haws V115 Watering can

The handles allow good position of the hand for comfortable balance when watering. All in all a very good little watering can.