Monday, April 19, 2010

Juniper Springs

Met a family from church at a sanctuary of theirs in the Ocala National Forest. They camped over night at the Juniper Springs Park and I showed up in the morning to canoe the run.

Juniper Springs Florida

Juniper Springs Florida

It was four hours of absolute fun in about the best natural surroundings you can get in creation.

Juniper Springs Florida

The water was a crystal clear delight and we canoed and swam for mile after mile.

Juniper Springs Florida

Juniper Springs Florida

Very happy to have been a part of this great time of fellowship. We all die so it is very important to live in the meantime. Not just all by our lonesome either but with our brothers and sisters.

Juniper Springs Florida

Juniper Springs Florida

You should check out the springs for yourself. It is about a 2.5 hour drive from Tampa and will cost you $5 per person entrance fee and about $30 to rent a canoe.

Juniper Springs Florida

By the time your finished paddling you will be ready for a nap!