Traveling is certainly an option with anyone who has the means and the will but there is no comparison between going to a far away place as a mere traveler and going in the name of Jesus. The experience of living five days in the village of Ankuash with newly discovered brothers and sisters in Christ was sublime. This did not occur to me all at once but be sure that before I left I was aware of just what a gift God had given me in this place. I knew within the first two days that when I left this place I would be leaving behind true spiritual family members.
Village life is a life I can say I enjoy and admire but more about that in a later post. We had work to do and set about getting the clinic ready for visitors.
The unpainted building to the left was used as the clinic the yellow and blue building to the right was our living quarters. Both building were adequate for their respective uses and I would even say they were example of God’s “just right” provision.
This is an image showing the sleeping arrangement in the boys area the first morning and ever morning after. I sleep on the floor to the right under that white netting.
This is a worm in the jungle.
You will notice that a worm in the jungle is a good 10 times large than any worm in the states I have ever seen.
This is the stream we used to gather water for filtering to drink.
We used a Sawyer water filtration system and it served us very well the duration of the trip.
With the pharmacy up and running and the doctors writing prescription we began to see to the physical needs of the people.
The village leaders had a very comprehensive schedule for the week and hide sight being 20/20 we met the demands of the schedule praise God and His provision! More to come tomorrow.
Ecuador trip brief as recorded by Don Wolfram our missionary guide in Ecuador.
Day 4: Monday 30th- After Breakfast we went to the Clinic and started to do medical work seeing about 85 people this first day, mostly by family group. As this was the first day, there was a rhythm to be found and soon it was found and the team really started to click together and serve the community.
We saw people mostly from the communities of: Ankuash, Kuakash (45min) and Kumay (1 hr)
We ended clinic about 4:30 and then proceeded to have a soccer game. Again the idea was to endorse and build up Octavio’s, Leonardo’s and Mauro’s ministry in that community. That evening, we had an outdoor meeting in Ankuash on the Ecua-volley court in which we showed the “Felix” film, gave testimony, the gospel, an invitation for salvation and prayer. XX came forward for prayer and many friendships were formed. This night it rained hard and sounded great on the tin roof of the school.
In the back of the audience was the “Shaman” or witch doctor from Kumay whom one of our students had burnt down his house about 6 months earlier as a sign that he was not welcome in the community. It’s hard to say exactly what influence was made as he left pretty quickly afterwards.
The “Police Hat” – was a trophy from the capture of 4 policemen in a confrontation about 4 weeks earlier over mineral rights in the jungle. Samuel was the one who seemed to be the “new-proud” owner. Demonstrations & brief hostage takings are one of the few ways in indigenous people groups can have their opinions and voice heard before the provincial and national governments.
New Places: The Shuar community of Ankuash (also known as San Pedro). And the bathing whole!
New People: Wow, and endless list of names here. Just to mention a few of the most notable: (see Sunday’s list)
New Diseases perhaps: Tuberculosis, Leshmeniasis, Chagas disease (cousin of malaria)
New Things & Food: Ate platano verde, yucca (a tubor i.e. manioc/cassava), papa chino (a tubor also), camote (sweet potato), and drank avena (oatmeal) and chucula (banana drink) and/or chicha (life!)