Friday, November 27, 2009

To Ankuash and back DAY 1

In life it is the unexpected opportunities provided by our Father in heaven that hold the riches rewards. The following posts are a brief account of the ten days following a phone call from a brother in Christ informing me of an opportunity to serve in the small village of Ankuash Ecuador!

 I must say that all my flights were smooth and on time and my time spent in transit was fine. The hostel in Quito was plenty comfortable with a soft warm bed.

To Ankuash Ecuador and Back!
To Ankuash Ecuador and Back!
Breathing was a little laborious at 9000 ft. which made it challenging to sleep. We all settled in packing away the med bags and the next morning we loaded onto a bus and drove away knowing we would return to the hostel for our last night before returning to Mariscal Sucre airport fro the return home.   

Ecuador trip brief as recorded by Don Wolfram our missionary guide in Ecuador.
Day 1: Friday 27th- Traveled to Quito arriving about 10:30 pm and getting to the ANGELICA’S Guesthouse about 12 am. Hosts of guesthouse is Sra. Angelica a faithful Christian sister. Bus driver is Byron. That evening, sorted out the walk-in items from the meds to be left at the “edge of the jungle” hospital about 5 hours away.
New Places: Quito Guesthouse – “Angelicas”. Quito elevation is about 9,700 ft (above sea level)
New People: Met Don Wolfram (Missionary Ventures Int’l), (wife Mary, Zachary 20, & Jordon 18 are all out of town; Jenna 14 is staying with a friend as we have an early departure)