Sunday, July 12, 2009

Frontliners Fun Tampa Bay Style

Frontliners Play Day

Today A father of one of the host families invited me to meet them at Picnic Island where they were taking their Frontliners for some recreation. I went and it was the best. I got plenty of video but it is far to sacred to post so here are some stills.

Frontliners Play Day

There were a few families from South Tampa Fellowship there with the same idea and we all clumped together and increased the enjoyment even more!

Frontliners Play Day

One of the couples had recently acquired kayaks which they shared to every ones delight!

Frontliners Play Day 

Frontliners Play Day

Frontliners Play Day

Frontliners Play Day

This is fellowship only God brings and the way we should always live as the church.

Frontliners Play Day 

This Frontliners thing has only been here two days and it is really making waves. I am excited to see what the rest of the week will bring.

Wherever peace is growing, there of course is the live peace, counteracting disruption and disintegration, and helping the development of the true essential family.

George MacDonald