Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pig Grunts & Economic Reality

This is a short clip of some pigs I met recently. Pigs make me feel all happy inside!


The state we are in.

For over a decade now we have been encouraged to buy whatever our hearts desired. The credit card companies gleefully provided the means for the average American citizen to get what they wanted and get it now. The economy grew to new heights on the wave of unsupported consumer spending. Toward the end of the current crisis the government including the president even began to ask that we continue our spending. They knew that if everyone was to start doing what they should do that there would be a correction that would reflect the true and sustainable level of growth our country could maintain. They knew that there would be “hard economic times”. They even gave us back some of our money in the form of a tax incentive and asked us to spend it as quickly as we got it. What we have done over the last couple of decades or so has exhausted most citizens’ bank accounts and finally the entire nation.

So what is the solution? The true solution to this development is summed up in one sentence. Do not spend money you do not have! We are all going to spend the next several years in a miserable state if we do not lower our expectations greatly. Truth is everyone needs to start planning to subsist. Let’s go ahead and include the definition of this word as it has been seldom uttered low these many years. Subsist: To survive on a minimum of resources. You must realize that if everyone is subsistence living it will mean a far smaller economy for a time but this is the only way now to have a real economy. At the same time we must be willing to maintain a very strong military as our enemies are already pulling hard at their leashes to bring us down.

We must all quickly learn to subsist. We must start saving again and we must not depend of pensions, investments, or government entitlements. A pioneer mentality is the key to making it to an economy that will be stronger than ever. There is a thrill that comes with relying on God and the skills He provides for daily living that will bring us all joy if we do the right thing.


  1. To Subsist... You know, I don't think people would ever pick the choice to subsist... I think it just happens when we run out of money. Then those of us who believe in God, we can make it through with just the minimum of resources.

    As for me, I believe I am one of the ones living the subsistence living... And honestly, it's way better then living the crazy rich gotta have everything I want life. I've learned to live within my means and life is simple and joyful no matter what is happening with the economy!

    Great Blog by the way!

  2. Amen sister!
    The Lords provision is the best. If we lean on Him He provides just what we need not to loose sight of what really matters and this is the aboundant life!


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