The average American citizen when they have maxed out one credit card will apply for more credit with a different credit company. They do this repeatedly until they are in so deep they go bankrupt.
Today the Federal government is has reached its limit and in a last ditch effort is in essence trying to pay off wall streets liabilities with credit guaranteed with Tax payer money. They are doing this to perpetuate the failing credit system with more credit. This is insane.
They are not willing to have the chaos now hoping they can delay it until after the election. We will have an unavoidable collapse because we are continuing down the same road we traveled to get us here to begin with.
We need to allow the economy to do what it will do without credit in the picture if we ever want to return our nation to solvency. We need to be a society that builds an economy on money that we have and be patient enough to wait until we have worked and saved enough money to buy all the retail garbage we value so much.
It is time to concentrate on food clothing and shelter and ditch the landfill fodder.