Thursday, May 31, 2007

In The Fog Of Platitudes

As I mentioned before our church is in the strange reality of having a Pastor suddenly announce that he has been asked by another church to leave what was his church family to be their pastor. I am new to all this but I can tell you that I am learning that one thing that helps is seeking to understand what is happening. I desire to hear from those who are staying in leadership what they honestly feel.

There is very little being said by those who know what is transpiring except to say "It is God's will”. As time goes by I am finding that this is not nearly enough. Knowing the churches current situation and some of the large responsibilities we have taken on I am experiencing some frustration. I have had the opportunity to speak with several members who I have great respect for and this has been a comfort. These conversations have also revealed that even the more connected members have been left dumbfounded by the current situation.