Saturday, January 27, 2007

AJ Wogaman Married!

My friend AJ was married tonight and I went to witness the proceedings.

What a great day for a great man. God is so good to his children. He provides everything we need.

I was able to catch up with a bunch of faithful brothers and was reminded of how quickly the days do pass. With Jesus life is full of meaning and friendships that will last an eternity!


  1. :)

    They were planning the reception while I was still working at the Baptist Conference Center, so I had the priviledge of meeting them both, and I must say, they were lovely people to work with!

  2. When I was at the reception and the folks started serving the food I remembered hearing that you worked at the conference center and wondered if in times past you had been one of the people making it all happen.

    It was really a pleasant place and a happy occasion!


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