Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dumpster Diving

Billy in a dumpster!
I am, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, a dumpster diver. It is because dumpster diving is one of the most exhilarating experiences anyone willing to give it a try can have. It is also because you will find things of value that you may take and later use for just the price of a little digging.

Go and enter the dumpsters in your area and be richly rewarded with a whole new outlook on life. Liberate yourselves from the bondage of snobbery and get up to your neck in rubbish! Soar to the highest heights of self determination and reclaim the slightly damaged but useful items of a wasteful and bloated society.

Yes you to can be a dumpster diver.

Here is a good place to start


  1. Good luck with this! I can almost smell it from here! ~ jb///

  2. wow, well, give us some inspiration. what kind of good things have u found?

  3. I am a diver too! I also frequent the local thrift stores searching for junk! It is so fun!

  4. Billy, this is so funny!! Thanks for sharing this little secret!

  5. So this is the level I must sink to if I want to get comments. My dumpster runneth over!


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