Sunday, January 22, 2006

Bleak House

Masterpiece theater is at it again folks and that means I know where I will be for the next five Sunday evenings. In front of the TV by nine’ O’clock if you must know my little street urchins. There is no greater feeling of superiority than that feeling of superiority one experiences while reading or in this case watching anything authored by Charles Dickens.
Bleak house is the novel adapted for the tele and I am sure I do not know what it all means. Dickens is a master of weaving an intricate narrative that is never fully appreciated much less understood until the very last scene has been delivered.

1 comment:

  1. Was interested to read what you thought of Bleak House. I watched it last year on the BBC and really enjoyed it and have been wondering how it's been viewed over there.

    Glad you are enjoying it so far. It gets better every episode.

    Look out for a great character called Mr Smallweed. He became a legend over here.


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