Saturday, October 8, 2005

Taylor Behl

Taylor Behl
Blog Trail
Behl's Live Journal Fawley's Live Journal

The internet can introduce you to your murderer.Just another friendly reminder that no one you meet on the internet is to be trusted. Always keep the information you post on the internet very generic and resist the temptation to reveal private information about your life to the scores of abusers, rapists, and murderers who are viewing information on the web.

Use the internet for all the good things it makes possible but be wise. Always keep your guard up and recognize that you have no clue who those folks you call friends from the internet really are.

Do not use last names or exact locations unless you are a gun toter in Florida, Yeeee Haaaaaw.
When posting images edit them to no larger than 400 x 400 and 60kb.
Do not communicate with folks over the net unless you met them before in the real world and independent of the internet.


  1. it is a frightening thought; you really can't be sure about those who frequent the internet... it is a place that can be used for the greatest good or the greatest evil.

  2.' know...if you're a firearm toting concealed carry permit having Virginian.

  3. Arrhhh Matie I gets yer drift! It always pays to keep a little piece of mind tuck away for nay eventuality

  4. If you keep the images sufficiently small and lower quality they are harder to convincingly misuse.


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