Saturday, July 30, 2005

Wards of the State

The State of Florida has taken one of the final steps to enable new parents to avoid what little responsibility remains for raising their own children.Parents can now store their kids during their waking hours in a day care free of any additional out of pocket expenses.
The final step can only be building all new schools with an attached maternity ward. You birth them and avoid all the hassle of having to take them home and care for them. All this leaving you free to pursue more important tasks like making loads of money to buy that bigger house and luxury car.


  1. Is this a joke!?? What's next!?

    PS I'm in love with your photoshopped pics! :) Keep 'em coming!

  2. Hey thanks for the response and the personal experience. You are super resourceful! Somtimes less is more.

  3. i see both points and agree with both of them. There needs to be a better solution. I chose to stay home with my kids and we make due but others can't and don't have that luxury. If daycare is going to be free then it should be based on income, the more you make the more you pay.


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