Wednesday, September 22, 2004

What R U Doing Here?

Sometimes you have to just pick a direction of travel and go. I captured this image on just such an occasion. Cranes are unusually bold birds in most cases and this fellow was one of a pair foraging in a field very close to the road. As I sit and type I ponder my life's experiences concerning cranes. I have seen cranes on several occasions throughout my life. On each occasion they have appeared in my field of vision, they always seem to be in the most unexpected places. In fact, I always think to myself what are they doing here. I have to chuckle now when I think about it. Why shouldn't they be wherever they are? It is only because I am out of place that I am able to see them. They have wings and can fly to just about any location on the face of the earth and yet I always react the same way. Wow, look over there, do you see those cranes? I can hardly believe my eyes!