Sunday, September 12, 2004


Great turn out for the first service as South Tampa Fellowship!

A little barbecue dinner to get the masses gathered! Food is a powerful motivator which we at DIBC are not above exploiting for our purposes!

Into the church they go. It appears to me that there are quite a lot of new faces in the crowd. What a blessing to make new friends and begin a new ministry to our neighbors!

Planet Agape is well attended to. There was lots of singing, dancing, and all that high energy young people stuff happening. The most fun for me was watching the grown ups trying to get their act together!

The choir was out and force and really wound up. All the music people were doing their music thing and everything was quite well-organized.

Pastor Jeff introduced the 40 Days of Purpose series to all in attendance with his usual down to earth style.

Everyone left under cloudy skies amidst lots of happy chatter and smiling faces.

Lest you think that everything came up roses I happened to catch this young lady (who shall remain nameless so as not to bring disgrace upon her grandparents with this fractious behavior) in a moment of utter discontent. You cannot please all the people all the time.