Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The One Track Mind

The mind, in my experience, can only be occupied by a single subject or line of thinking at any given time. We can instantly change our course of thinking at will but we just as quickly put the first subject of thought out of mind into memory to accomplish the task at hand. To process information we focus our thoughts on an interest, problem, or whim.

Here is what amazes me when you are separate from individuals that you know by sight or voice and you are not thinking of them in their absence they affectively do not exist within the reality you presently experience. There are those few who are so valuable that the memory of them is triggered when making critical decision about future time but for the most part even those most attractive to us occupy only a small part of thinking time week to week.

If you use your memory to calculate the time you spend on any category of information during the last seven days of your life you will be left with a vivid picture of who and what currently effect your life. I try to keep my thoughts very thin when it comes to others and I find I am not alone in this discipline. I am delighted to have insightful communication but it rarely occurs and I seldom instigate it.

Grown up communication is in fact far more immature than the communication of childhood. Children truly share far more meaningful and honest interactions and it takes years to develop the ability to hide genuine thoughts and attitudes that reflect who we are. I do not like to live life in the mind numbing world of adulthood. I am encouraged when the truth comes to mind that God expects us to remain aware that we are His children and are to be like little children if we are to represent the kingdom He is bring to His creation.

In many ways it is a blessing that we are not capable of the kind of awareness that God our Father has. People do seemingly cease to exist when they are not at the forefront of our thoughts. We do experience great desire to know and be known by individuals we become infatuated with and these desires do fade time and again into the past. We have the restlessness about all of our relationships because we are headed for a kingdom in which we who receive Jesus for who He is will experience fellowship in a way we now only experience as a dim shadow of its true nature. In heaven the Bible says that the relationships we hold most dear will not exist in their present form. The exclusivity and precious intimacy with a select few will be replaced with the capacity, in our glorified state, with a perfect fellowship with all those who are the family of God. In heaven we will have the ability that God has now to love everyone perfectly.

The truth is we are given a limitless capacity to love now that we will only fully realize after our time on earth. When we practice to exercise Christ like love daily we begin to relinquish our desire to posses those we find attractive. We discover that true fellowship in never coerced or bought. We do not rush to be connected with those we desire to be near but make ourselves available from a comfortable distance and experience the pleasure of being quietly approached to have a head rested on our shoulder. It is more desirable to be wanted than needed and the joy of being chosen free of manipulation rather than to be settled for through flattery and obligation is a delight. Do not be afraid to give people the freedom to Love you. True relationships are brought about by God and true favor is motivated by the Holy Spirit.

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:21

Monday, April 28, 2008

Birthday In Candy Land

I was hired to record images at this little girls birthday.

The theme was candy land and this table was like a childhood fantasy come true.

The cake was very whimsical as well and had been driven all the way from Miami to bring a smile to everyones face.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Caves Again

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Crate Full of Chicken


Pot pie has to squeeze in next to Harriet to lay her daily egg because little prissy Harriet is all broody and insists on staying in Pot Pie's favorite spot. Harriet has not even laid any of her own eggs in the last two weeks so as soon as Pot Pie lays one and leaves Harriet plops down on it and commences to defend it by screaming and pecking if you try to take it.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I Watched Expelled

I found it clever and inspiring. I thank you Mr. Ben Stein for your chutzpah.

I have long realized that those who deny God in fact enable the destruction of civilization as we know. This is because to conduct your life with the premise that you have haphazardly appeared on a rock in space that came from nothing on its way to nowhere is a recipe for madness. When you say there is no creator, no morality, no behavior that is evil you have effectively foster the makings of anarchy and this is what the government of these United States is determined to teach to the exclusion of any other ideas. An individual or group always rises to power and assumes absolute control of a country or region demanding complete allegiance. The general populace is coerced and killed by the tens of thousands. The inhabitance revolt and over throw after much misery and suffering and everyone rediscover the truth you cannot live outside of God’s design because like everything man has experienced form the beginning there is blessed order to the cosmos. It happens all the time over and over history shows. Like the very computer I use to post to the internet life itself in every aspect was programmed by God who we just happen to have been made in the image of and therefore operate in the same way. The original lie in the Garden was that we could be as gods but there is only one God and to say that He in not, is to make yourself god of your own miserable little life. To follow the teachings of one who says there is no God is to behave as though the man is all knowing and to place you future in that man’s delusional doctrine. There is nothing new under the sun folks. The very arrogance of these false teachers is glaring evidence of their lust for power. They are angry and bitter when anyone questions their reasoning. They are in need of what we all need and that is the grace of Jesus.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Devil's Den With God Fearing Friends

Thursday, April 17, 2008

One More Day Before Expulsion

The secular scientific community is determined that the theory proposed by Darwin be presented as irrefutable fact never mind that it has not been observed, reproduced through experimentation, and is still just a implausible hypothesis.

The see is believing crowd are in a hurry to do away with any competing ideas and they have not witness the first evidence of one species becoming another or produced any evidence of a transition to be seen. For those who do not have the luxury of faith they are ready to make gigantic leaps and have the government mandate the indoctrination of America's children to the exclusion of any other hypotheses. It is all very unscientific if you ask me.

Scientific method refers to the body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. It is based on gathering observable, empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.[1] A scientific method consists of the collection of data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.


It is almost here and the true believers in evolution and crusaders to erase God are up in arms. They flipping their smug little lids. I am going to go bask in the truth at one of our local Tampa theaters !

God Bless Ben Stein in his efforts to turn the tide and bring open minded dialogue back to our cynical and arrogant education system.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Green Chrysalis


I have only been able to locate about four of the sixteen caterpillars I counted a few days ago one in the form of the chrysalis in the image above. I do not know what has become of them all.

The mote ideal is not entirely successful as one caterpillar went missing and one went into the water and  drowned. I think I need a small screened enclosure to contain the caterpillars long enough to have them transform.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Full Circle

Today I received a call inviting me to go an adventure. Now this would not be that unusual except for one very sobering aspect. I would be in the care of the very same little ones whom I used to gather up for adventures. Life just goes round and round.


Friday, April 11, 2008



When they attach and hang upside down it will not be long before the transformation takes place!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Two From One, One From Two

And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

And Adam said, This [is] now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Genesis 2:22-24

There seems to me to be a plan behind life perhaps even an author responsible for everything that is. It has always been since history has been recorded that no matter how cultures have struggled to shape an existence without accountability to God that here we are still living our lives as mandated in the Bible. In fact every society that has sought to liberate themselves from the bonds of Holiness to freely indulge the sins of the flesh has come to ruin.

Marriage is for God's children. I often wonder why folks who live in ignorance of God bother with marriage. It would seem that more folks are being true to their unbelief these days and just taking the same approach that the many species of animals around us take when it comes to relationship. Freedom from fidelity and total commitment to self preservation.

God is very explicit in His expectation that for His own there must be Love as Christ Loves the church. Everything God has set into motion must one day be brought back into perfect harmony with the creator. All stain of sin will be removed and the imperfect will be made perfect. The picture of woman from man returning to man to be one flesh is another exquisite example of what is to come when God's kingdom comes and His will is done on earth as it is in heaven.

What is more marriages truly and honestly reflected Jesus's love for the church.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Its A Flapping Baby Boy

Today I constructed a box with a mote and added three milkweed plants. In order to easily find the chrysalises it is best to keep the caterpillars contained in a small area.



I plucked the largest caterpillars off the original milkweed plants and place them on the plants surrounded by the mote.



Yesterday the surprise chrysalis I mentioned in the previous post split and a shiny new male monarch emerged! You can tell the gender by looking for two dark spots on the lower half of the wings.


You can clearly see the two black markings just to the left and right of the abdomen in the image below.


I took inventory of the caterpillars on all the plants and my final tally was sixteen! Quite a good little crop and I am hoping for more visits from egg laying females when the sun come back out!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Caterpillar Poop

There are more than a few ways to identify a Milkweed plant playing host to Monarch caterpillars. Finding lovely little green bundles of digested milkweed is a sure sign caterpillars are at work!

Caterpillar poop

Caterpillar poop

Caterpillar poop

I am jumping the gun a little with these next images but I just could not resist. This morning I went out to check the five milkweed plants I bought at wal-mart yesterday evening and to my surprise and delight found that there was a chrysalis that rode along on one of the leaves. The chrysalis is well advanced and very soon a brand new butterfly will emerge.



A newly developed Chrysalis looks like an exquisitely decorated piece of Jade. When a chrysalis becomes transparent like the one above the transformation is almost complete!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Monarch Caterpillars Grow Fast

Today it has been about three weeks since I picked up four Milkweed plants (Asclepias) from Wal-mart. The Butterflies have carefully placed their eggs on the leaves and blossoms of all four plants and there are now over 10 caterpillars of varying sizes feeding and growing.

Monarch Caterpillar on Milkweed Blossom

Monarch Caterpillar on Milkweed Blossom


It will not be long before I can put my secret monarch plan into action. Stay informed by checking the site often.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Bikes With Motors

Today one of the benefits of living in front of a large field was realized yet again when some church folks showed up with motorcycles.






God's Will Not A Mystery?!?

Wow this sure does cut through christian pop culture and set straight the path!


"Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do?" Genesis 18:17

Its Delights. This chapter brings out the delight of real friendship with God as compared with occasional feelings of His presence in prayer. To be so much in contact with God that you never need to ask Him to show you His will, is to be nearing the final stage of your discipline in the life of faith. When you are rightly related to God, it is a life of freedom and liberty and delight, you are God's will, and all your common-sense decisions are His will for you unless He checks. You decide things in perfect delightful friendship with God, knowing that if your decisions are wrong He will always check; when He checks, stop at once.

Its Difficulties. Why did Abraham stop praying when he did? He was not intimate enough yet to go boldly on until God granted his desire, there was something yet to be desired in his relationship to God. Whenever we stop short in prayer and say - "Well, I don't know; perhaps it is not God's will," there is still another stage to go. We are not so intimately acquainted with God as Jesus was, and as He wants us to be - "That they may be one even as we are one." Think of the last thing you prayed about - were you devoted to your desire or to God? Determined to get some gift of the Spirit or to get at God? "Your Heavenly Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask Him." The point of asking is that you may get to know God better. "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart." Keep praying in order to get a perfect understanding of God Himself.

Oswald Chambers

Friday, April 4, 2008

2008 Monarch Butterfly Project

It has been a few years since I took the time to commune with the Monarch Butterfly but here I go again. If you want to join me just head to Wal-Mart or Home Depot and purchase some milkweed in the garden center God will handle the rest.

To keep up with my progress use the label Monarch Butterfly at the bottom of each post concerning said insect.

I have started with four plants and butterflies have already deposited eggs on all four. The eggs have since hatched and in weeks I expect developing chrysalises.


Monarch Butterfly egg and young caterpillar

Upgrade to the new blogger

Everything looks a bit different right now but the content is the same. I am thinking of sticking with the new blogger becuase of the great feed that shows all the latest posts form friend's blogs. We will see

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Verizon Fios experience.

A few months ago my brother came to stay temporarily in the back room of our family’s residence. He always has pay television wherever he goes so he called Verizon and had fios installed. They came out and installed copious amounts of cable and equipment and presto my brother could watch television on more channels than you care see.

Within a couple of months my brother found that Verizon was charging for much more that he ordered. He was receiving bills for $150.00. Forty dollars of this bill was for fiber optic internet access which he did not want, had not requested, and had no computer to access it with. He called and requested they cancel it.

Here is where I have the pleasure of becoming a part of the misery. I have never paid a dime for TV and have no plans to ever do so. I do however use the internet and have been satisfied for some years with Verizon’s DSL. I was paying $17.99 a month ($215.88 per year which is still to expensive). When my brother canceled the fios internet service on his separate account and bamo my DSL no longer functioned. I called more than 12 times the first day and spoke with as many people both in the U.S. and abroad and got nothing but sales pitches and run around. What I wanted was to call once, inform them of the error, and have my DSL restored so that I could get on with my business and they could collect their $17.99 a month. What I discovered is the company’s seeming plan to deny DSL service to any address with a fiber optic cable running onto the property. I was also told that we no longer were capable of getting any service including phone service through the conventional copper wire that we are using even as I type this message. When I told them the facts of the matter they denied that it was the case and assured me things were just as they stated. It amazes the freedoms we forfeit all in the name of entertainment when we do business with immoral company's such as verizon. In the end we only have ourselves to blame for putting up with outrageous prices for the sake of "convenience".

My brother has canceled all Verizon services.

Questions that came to mind during the life wasted dealing with Verizon?

Why does Verizon not offer fiber optic internet at a lower speed and reduced price?

Does Verizon want customers to be forced to pay for more services than they require at prices that are extravagant?

What will happen to the citizenry of any community served by Verizon when they complete their lock on all communication to and from each residence?

Verizon Billion Dollar Lawsuit

Union Plan Picket Verizon Over Customer Service

Verizon Complaints Draw Council Concern

Verizon Customers Broadcast Problems With Service


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Internet access denied

Throught a convoluted and deceptive set of cirumstances Verizon has discontinued my DSL access to the internet without my knowledge or permission. As you can imagine I have spent hours on the phone and listened to more than a donzen poor saps tell me any number of misguided reasons why I will no longer be able to get any internet access at my address at $18.00 a month ($216.00 per year). They are determined that I should pay $40.00 a month ($480.00 per year) all this of course because it would be better for me to have services I do not need at more than twice the price. I will not see them prosper for their deceit.

Anyhow I may be posting less until I find a work around.

God Bless you all.